This notice is provided to you in compliance with the Republic of Vanuatu Authority rules.
This notice does not disclose all of the risks and other significant aspects of derivatives products such as futures and
options. You should not deal in derivatives unless you understand the nature of the contract you are entering into and the
extent of your exposure to risk
You should also be satisfied that the contract is suitable for you in the light of your circumstances and financial position.
Certain strategies, such as “spread” position or a “straddle”, may be as risky as a simple “long” or “short” position. Whilst derivatives instruments can be utilized for the management of risk, some investments are unsuitable for many investors. Different instruments involve different levels of exposure to risk, and in deciding whether to trade in such instruments you should be aware of the following points:
Investing in rolling forex or currency options carries similar risks as investing in a future and you should be aware of these.Transactions in rolling forex or currency options may also have a contingent liability and you should be aware of the implications of this as set out in paragraph (c) below. In addition to standard industry disclosures contained in this Agreement, you should be aware that margined currency trading is one of the riskiest forms of investment available in the financial markets and is only suitable for sophisticated individuals and institutions.
Given the possibility of losing an entire investment, speculation in the foreign exchange market should only be conducted with risk capital funds that if lost will not significantly affect your personal or institution's financial wellbeing
If you have pursued only conservative forms of investment in the past, you may wish to
study currency trading
further before continuing an investment of this nature.
You must also realize that the limited risk in buying options means you could lose the entire option
investment should the option expire worthless.
If you wish to continue with your investment, you acknowledge that the funds you have committed are
purely risk capital and loss of your investment will not jeopardize your style of living nor will it detract from
your future retirement
program. Additionally, you fully understand the nature and risks of currency investments and other
investments instruments , and your obligations to others will not be neglected should you suffer investment losses.
- Foreign markets. Foreign markets involve different risks from GCC markets and other equity markets globally.In some cases risks will be greater. The potential for profit or loss from transactions on foreign markets or in foreign currency will be affected by fluctuations in foreign exchange rates. Such enhanced risks include the risks of political or economic policy charges in a foreign media, which may substantially and permanently alter the conditions terms, marketability or price of a foreign currency. RISK DISCLOSURE NOTICE
- Risk reducing orders or strategies. The placing of certain orders (e.g. “stop loss” or “stop limits” orders) that are intended to limit losses to certain amounts may not always be affected because market conditions or technological limitations may make it impossible to execute such orders. Strategies using combinations of positions such as “spread” and “straddle” positions, may be just as risky or even riskier than simple “long” or “short” positions.
- Prices. The prices posted on the QBN Global Ltd Online or it’s associates Systems may not necessarily r eflect thebroader market. We will select closing prices to be used in determining Margin requirements and in periodically marking to market the positions in customer accounts.Although we expect that these prices will be reasonably related to those available on what is known as the interbank market, prices we use may vary from those available to banks and other participants in the interbank market. Consequently,we may exercise considerable discretion in setting margin requirements and collecting margin funds.
- Weekend risk. Various situations, developments or events may arise over a weekend (Friday 16.30 EST – Sunday ۱۸٫۰۰ EST) when the currency markets generally close for trading, that may cause the currency markets to open at a significantly different price from where they closed on Friday afternoon. Our customers will not be able to use the QBN Global Ltd or it’s affiliates Online Systems to place or change orders over the weekend and at other times when the markets are generally closed. There is a substantial risk that stop-loss orders left to protect open positions held over the weekend will be executed at levels significantly worse than their specified price.
- Margin: Trading in OTC contracts using high leverage of margin sustains a HIGH LEVEL of risk. The trader must maintain sufficient collateral in order to maintain his trades open. QBN Global Ltd maintains the right to close all open trades in case the margin falls below the required level. Traders are subject to automatic margin calls as defined by the system’s userguide. Trading in High Leverage can cause total loss of equity in certain margin conditions.
- Electronic trading. Trading in OTC contracts through the QBN Global Ltd or it’s affiliates Online Facility may differ from trading on other electronic trading systems as well as from trading in a conventional or open market. Customers that trade on an electronic trading system are exposed to risks associated with the system including the failure of hardware and software and system down time, with respect to the QBN Global Ltd Online or it’s affiliates Facility, the individual customer’s systems, and the communications infrastructure (for example the internet) connecting the platform with customers.Customers with an Online system access should understood that it is their own responsibility to safeguard the secrecy of their username and password and should periodically change them they I should not disclose it to any person (especially QBN Global Ltd or any of itsstaff orassociated personnel), and In case the customer does it , he acknowledge that it is his sole responsibilityto afford the results of such action and any consequences (losses…)that may result due to this action.It should be as well understood that under no circumstance QBN Global Ltd or it’s affiliates can be held responsible for any online system failure regardless of the reason.
- Contingent liability transactions, which are margined, require you to make a series of payments against the purchase price, instead of paying the whole purchase price immediately. You may sustain a total loss of the Margin you deposit with your dealer to establish or maintain a position. If the market moves against you, you may be called upon to pay substantial additional Margin at short notice to maintain the position. If you fail to do so within the time required, your position may be liquidated at a loss and you will be liable for any resulting deficit. Even if the Transaction is not margined, it may still carry an obligation to make further payments in certain circumstances over and above any amount paid when you paid when you entered into the contract. Contingent liability transactions, which are not traded on or under the rules of a recognized or designated investment exchange, may expose you to substantially greater risks.
- Collateral. If you deposit collateral as security, you should ascertain how your collateral will be dealt with.Deposited collateral may lose its identity as your property once dealings on your behalf are undertaken. Even if your dealings should ultimately prove profitable, you may not get back the same assets, which you deposited and may have to accept payment in cash.
- Commissions. Before you begin to trade, you should aware of details of all commissions and other charges for which you will be liable. If any charges are not expressed in money terms (but, for example, as dealing spread), you should obtain a clear explanation, including appropriate examples, to establish what such charges are likely to mean in specific money terms.
- Insolvency. Any insolvency or default may lead to positions being liquidated or closed out without your consent. In certain circumstances, you may not get back the actual assets, which you lodged as collateral and you may have to accept any available payment in cash. You should only engage in Rolling Spot Forex or other Margined Transaction trading if you are prepared to accept a high degree of risk and in particular the risks outlined in the Risk Warning Notice. You must be prepared to sustain the total loss of all amounts you may have deposited with your firm as well as any losses, charges (such as interest) and any other mounts(such as legal costs…) we incur in recovering payment from you.
- Publications and Information on website and emailsQBN Global Ltd & it's affiliates assumes no responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions in the online or email materials.QBN Global Ltd or its affiliates does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information, text, graphics, links or other items contained within these materials. QBN Global Ltd shall not be liable for any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages, including without limitation losses, lost revenues, or lost profits that may result from these materials. Opinions and estimates constitute our judgment and are subject to change without notice. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Customers should do their own evaluation before taking any trading decision.